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The non-profit organization Still I Rise has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2023: the nomination comes from the Republic of San Marino and was made known by Council Members Sara Conti and Giuseppe Maria Morganti, former Head of State, during the Grand and General Council meeting on 13 March 2023. 

«Using the words of Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”. And Still I Rise provides free education and protection to vulnerable and refugee children», is the reason the council members provided when they submitted the organization’s nomination for the prestigious award. 

«We are incredibly grateful to Council Members Sara Conti and Giuseppe Maria Morganti, and to the entire Republic of San Marino, which we feel particularly close to in its historical independence as the ‘Ancient Land of Freedom’. We are a very young organization and have a long way to go, but this nomination is a great encouragement for all of us to continue to do more, and better,» said Nicolò Govoni, Executive Director of Still I Rise.

«The news made the entire Still I Rise team very enthusiastic: this trust in our work is a real encouragement for each and every one of us. Particularly at this time for our colleagues in Ma’an, our school in North West Syria, who are facing the tragic anniversary of the 12th year since the beginning of the war. They are dealing with the aftermath of last month’s devastating earthquake and the repeated lack of attention from the international community,» added Giulia Cicoli, Advocacy Director of the organization.

For 2023, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has received 305 nominations, including 212 individuals and 93 organizations. The full list of nominees is kept secret by the Committee for 50 years; however, those submitting nominations have the right to make the name of the individual, entity or organization public.

Nicolò Govoni, Executive Director of Still I Rise, was nominated for the same prize in 2020. Three years later comes the nomination for the entire organization, with which the Republic of San Marino has launched important projects over time, culminating in the unanimous approval of the law to allow unaccompanied foreign minors to be fostered by San Marino residents. (Press Release)

Still I Rise

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